Being There

Being There

Was that a tear I saw dangle in Gopal’s left eye? I wasn’t sure. But there wasn’t a doubt in my mind of the gentle current of friendship and care that connected us—a friendship like when we were children—pure, simple, uncomplicated. We had been walking for...
Is Recovery Possible?

Is Recovery Possible?

Thoughts on Recovery – Part 1/5 Exploring the concept of Recovery in MH Introduction: Global attention is increasing on both – the magnitude of suffering as well as the discrimination experienced by some 970 million people suffering from a mental health or...

Smart Detachment from your Smartphone

Recently I was doing some shopping in a supermarket. Suddenly I heard a loud wailing cry. I guessed it must be that of a toddler. I turned around curiously. The child was throwing a tantrum pointing to an item on the shelf. Apparently, the packet of chips and...

Teen Therapy

What does therapy look like for Teens? On account of their limited experience and knowledge, children have a small collection of coping strategies, tools and ideas. Hence they need adult help to find solutions to manage their emotions and behaviors effectively. When...

Anxiety! You’re not Alone

When faced with a difficult situation – an impending exam, doing a speech before an audience,  a performance discussion with your boss,  waiting for your daughter to come home when it’s late, etc., most of us experience feelings of emotional or...