Attention Behavior and Communication Development Clinic

The ABCD Clinic (Attention, Behavior and Communication, Development Clinic) is a  unique and comprehensive service from MHAT aimed at helping children having challenges with attention stabilization, and effective communication including verbal, nonverbal and interpersonal. The services will be available, under the umbrella of CoABCD – Short for Centre for Attention Behavior and Communication Development.


Thorough Report

After the joint examination and elucidation of the management plan, a full detailed report will also be provided containing recommendations on how to create a recovery contusive climate for the child at home, school and the wider community.

Medications and Follow-up

Medications, if required, will be discussed with the family before the commencement of the treatment. Follow-up will be arranged with the same professionals in the follow-up clinic, at the home of the client or virtually.

Multi-Pronged Assessment

This comprehensive neurodevelopmental service will encompass a multi-pronged assessment involving experts from a range of areas involved in neurodiversity. The assessment will also include aspects of behavior, mood regulation, balance, and coordination affecting hand function and gross motor activity.

Joint Examination

In addition to helping experts come up with a management plan that incorporates diverse perspectives, the joint examination will also save affected children and caregivers from the difficulty of having to repetitively divulge the patient history to different experts

Q & A

Where can the services available presently?

This service will initially be available in the towns of Calicut, Trissur and Cochin on specific dates.

How can appointments be booked?

Appointments can be booked and paid for online at

What are the conditions covered?

The conditions for which Assessment and Care can be availed are the following:

  1. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)/ attention deficit disorder (ADD)
  2. Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD)/ Autism
  3. Learning Disability/ Intellectual Disability
  4. Developmental Coordination Disorder/ Dyspraxia
  5. Developmental Language Delay
  6. Tourette’s’ Spectrum Disorder and Tics
  7. Anxiety and Depression
  8. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Can an individual come to meet the doctor without an appointment?

No, the doctor/psychotherapist usually has a full day scheduled ahead of time. Therefore, walking in will not be helpful. It is important to book an appointment in advance.

Can appointments be scheduled by phone also?

Yes. Appointments can be booked by dialing 8089997007 and requesting an appointment.

Is there a cost involved?

Yes, there would be a fee of Rs. 1500 for every consultation which would be for 90 minutes.

Thereafter the costs would be as follows:

Max Rs.770 for 60 min

Max Rs.565 for 40 min

Max Rs.310 for 20 min

When exactly is the doctor available?

The doctor is usually available on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9 a.m. to 5 a.m. However, calling early would be critical to getting the appointment.

What will the nature of the service be?

The services will include diagnosis followed by counselling or medical management, as for all mental health issues.

Understanding Neurodevelopment

What is Neurodevelopment?

The objective of neurodevelopment is to improve the learning process through training exercises, which identify and strengthen weak neurodevelopmental units. Deficits in the natural processes of neurodevelopment are typically characterized by disorders such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), motor disorders such as tics, communication disorders, and intellectual developmental disorders. Neurodevelopmental methods can identify and improve deficits by analyzing the neuropathways associated with that specific deficit harnessing the power of neuroplasticity.

What is the simple definition of neuroplasticity?

It is defined as the ability of the nervous system to change its activity in response to intrinsic or extrinsic stimuli by reorganizing its structure, functions, or connections after injuries, such as a stroke or traumatic brain injury.

Stages of Neurodevelopment?

The architecture of the adult brain is developed during the embryological formation of the nervous system. The first cellular processes that occur in the brain are neurogenesis, cell migration, cell differentiation, synaptogenesis, neuronal cell death, and synaptic rearrangement. The intricate interplay of these stages produces circuits that mediate a highly complex set of behaviors. These neural circuits continue to develop and are shaped by interactions between the brain and the environment during infant neurodevelopment.

What Causes Neurodevelopmental Disorders?

Neurodevelopmental disorders can be caused by any minor deviation from the highly intricate and precise development of the nervous system. Both external influences from the environment and genetic abnormalities can affect child neurodevelopment, impairing the growth of the brain and contributing to the development of a variety of mental disorders. Causes of neurodevelopmental disorders include physical trauma, immune dysfunction, infectious diseases, nutrition disorders, genetic disorders, metabolic disorders, and social deprivation.