Your First Saarathi Therapy Session

by | Oct 24, 2018

It’s quite natural to be uncertain about therapy if you haven’t experienced a therapy session before. What is this interaction with Saarathi going to be like? This is the question that is always ringing in the mind of somebody who is considering Saarathi – But fear not, the following is a brief guide of what you can expect when you eventually connect with your therapist.

Many people who visit Saarathi after having been advised by a friend or a loved one to contact a therapist or a counselor as the first point of intervention. These sessions are suitable for individuals with low to mild anxiety, depression or other mental health issues. No worries if you are uncertain if that fits with your situation because this will be determined during your first telephone or live video session with one of Saarithi’s qualified therapists who will be matched to you.

Let’s first try and understand how your first therapy session with Saarathi will be?

When you first connect with your Saarathi therapist (you will be ideally notified by email within 24 hours after registering on the Saarathi platform, after which you can log in into your Saarathi profile and see that a therapist has indeed been assigned to you. You may also find a message from them. After you have established a connection – as in both of you have exchanged a word, you will agree on a preliminary evaluation meeting wherein you would meet and introduce each other following which the focus would shift, to gaining an understanding of the reason you are there. This will ideally start with a friendly chat about the main issues and areas you are struggling with, after which your therapist will begin to assess which techniques may be most helpful to help you deal with your them.

Sessions with a Saarathi Therapist are very much like what you can expect from counseling if you’ve been to one. The first interaction lays the groundwork for the journey – this involves determining the purpose and goals of therapy and also identify ideas and strategies that can be introduced into your daily life to help you start self-managing your situation and recovering. As the journey continues, the Saarathi therapist will continuously help you improve yourself while committing to back you all the time.

What should I talk about with my Saarathi therapist?

It can difficult to talk to someone you’ve never met before about your life and the issues you are facing. But be assured that all of the therapists are trained experts who are professional and care about you. So they will do their best to make you feel relaxed, and this usually makes clients feel quite comfortable. .

The Saarathi Therapist will work with you to understand the issues you are facing and what triggers them. Perhaps in certain situations, people or memories provoke anxious thoughts, or conversely are there situations and people that make you feel better?

Therapy sessions with a Saarathi Therapist will focus on “the here” and “the now.” However, there will be discussions to determine which areas of your life are affected. Often it is a vicious cycle. For example, feeling down can mean you avoid certain activities that you once enjoyed, and a lack of social involvement  can, in turn, lead to low confidence. You will be taught to use CBT based techniques so that you are able to re-connect with the things in life that you have loved. This is done in a gentle, structured and thoughtful way.

How will my ongoing therapy journey with Saarathi be?

Interactivity is one of the central principles that you will see in the sessions as your journey of recovery progresses. The focus of these interactive sessions would be to help you master self-management techniques that are taught to you. You will also have opportunities to try these out in between meetings or in your own time and feedback back to your therapist on how you found them. These CBT techniques are valuable and can be customized individually for you.

The best part is that these powerful tailored techniques will be with you for life. So, although you may have discontinued regular therapy, you will still have a collection of practical methods to refer to whenever in need. As you move forward, you will also see that you are creating an understanding of your mental health, enhancing your awareness, and mindful of the triggers – all of these contribute to improving your capacity to implement lasting positive transformation for your life.

Your Saarathi Therapist will be there to support you as long as you are attending sessions. Your meetings are held in a safe environment and are entirely private between yourself and your therapist.

Do note that you have a range of options to choose from – offline chat, real-time chat, phone, and video sessions. Based on your preferred mode, the therapist will engage with you.  There is compelling research proving that text and telephone-based therapy are just as effective as face-to-face therapy.

Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners at Therapy For You

Saarathi therapists have a background in mental health and related roles, and further, they continue to receive training while working with their clients.  Saarathi therapists are passionate about their work and have chosen to be therapists because of the feeling of fulfillment they receive – supporting those in need and watching as they improve and recover.

You may also sign up for Saarathi’s eLearning programs which can be completed over the internet at a time and place convenient to you. These courses can help you cope with anxiety, stress, depression, OCD, mindfulness, abuse, trauma, bereavement, addictions and more.

* Your sessions with Saarathi therapists are confidential unless the therapist believes you may be at risk of harming yourself or others (at which point they will consult a senior member of Saarathi team)

Sajan Raghavan

Sajan Raghavan


Sajan is a seasoned Training Professional and Life Coach with over 32 years of diverse experience across industries such as Defence, Telecom, Banking, and Finance, spanning multiple countries including India, Oman, UAE, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia. His experience is in creating and implementing client-focused Talent Management strategies that rely on Digital Innovations. He has led the design and implementation of various training programs as well as technology-driven talent management initiatives across sectors and geographies. In his previous role as Country Manager at XpertLearning, he helped several HR and Training Directors in the Middle East design, operate, and optimize their talent management functions. In 2019, Sajan transitioned from the corporate world to focus on bringing hope and support to individuals facing significant life challenges. His work combines wisdom, innovation, and technology to create meaningful change. Currently, he devotes his time to the Mental Health Action Trust, an organization known for its recovery-oriented mental health care for the underprivileged, and to McKesson, a leader in cancer care transformation through advanced technology. His ongoing pursuit is to apply thoughtfulness, innovation, and technology to support individuals as they navigate their darkest times. Beyond his professional roles, Sajan is a devoted student of spirituality and music. His commitment to leading a meaningful life extends to offering Life, Leadership, and Recovery Coaching to individuals seeking personal growth and transformation.